Thursday, March 4, 2010

Attraction Secrets of the Best Pick Up Artists

Until the television series "The Pick Up Artist" was aired many men simply didn't believe that an average guy could be unnaturally successful with exceptionally beautiful women. It seemed like a myth that you could learn simple techniques and tactics to allure, attract and seduce the most beautiful women in the world.

In fact many men laughed at all the hype around seduction guides unveil "Mystery" was shown on television to have an almost magical power over women without being good-looking, particularly funny or smart and without having bucket loads of cash! Those men aren't laughing now!

Pick Up Artists Tip One If you could use just one technique to get women and were not allowed to learn the rest (by some horrible super-being that didn't want you to have fun) this would be it!

Project Confidence.

The one thing that women find the most attractive about men is confidence! This is one of the reasons you see beautiful women dating "bad boys" or guys that don't treat them well. What the women actually find attractive about these guys is their seeming confidence - I say "seeming confidence" because most of these guys are cocky not confident.

A confident man has no problem treating a woman well. However, he will never let a woman treat him poorly and will always ensure he puts his own core needs first. Whereas cocky guys never think about anyone but themselves and are in fact just masking their lack of confidence with bravado! So, how do you project confidence around a woman? It's simple really.

Never let a woman change your mind. Don't be afraid to disagree with her. Show her that you are strong and confident in yourself and are not easily swayed by a pretty face. Never compliment her on her looks (until you are dating awhile) and do not "jump through hoops" for her - get her to buy you a drink!

Pick Up Artists Tip Two

This is a powerful attraction technique that works like a magic pill!

Tease her!

Women love teasing and when you tease her it indicates that you are not just interested in her for the obvious. It also gives the unconscious impression that you are of higher value than she is. After all you must have your choice of women if you are not interested in her!

This also sets you up as a challenge for her and women love men that are a challenge. To ensure she does not lose interest you are going to use the push/pull technique when you tease her. This simply means pushing her away and then pulling her in just to push her away again. I am speaking metaphorically of course. You will push her away by teasing her about her clothing, taste in perfume, how she dances etc. Then every now and then you will compliment her about something.

A word of warning here - never compliment her about her looks!

When you use the push/pull technique you will be shocked at how much interest you get from her. This technique drives women crazy with desire!

There are other killer dating techniques that work the instant you put them into action.

Would you like to develop the easy to learn skills that make women chase you? Then you should visit pick up artists to get more attraction techniques and seduction secrets!

Article Source:'Reilly

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